What is googly in cricket
A googly is a type of delivery bowled by a right-arm leg spinner. The googly is not a very common type of delivery, but it can be used to great effect if the batsman is not expecting it.
To bowl a googly, the leg spinner holds the ball in his right hand and spins it from the back of his hand. The googly will spin from right to left (away from the leg spinner’s body) when it is released. This is the opposite of a conventional leg break, which spins from left to right.
The googly is sometimes also referred to as a wrong’un.
Easiest way to bowl a googly
The easiest way to bowl a googly is to use your middle finger and index finger to grip the ball in the same way that you would grip a leg break. The only difference is that you will need to hold the ball a little further back in your hand.
When you release the ball, you will need to snap your wrist towards the batsman. This will cause the ball to spin from right to left (away from the leg spinner’s body).
If you are a beginner, it is best to start by bowling googlies in the nets. Once you have mastered the delivery, you can try bowling it in a match situation.
How to bowl a googly in cricket
There are two ways to bowl a googly in cricket. The first is to use your middle finger and index finger to grip the ball in the same way that you would grip a leg break. The only difference is that you will need to hold the ball a little further back in your hand.
When you release the ball, you will need to snap your wrist towards the batsman. This will cause the ball to spin from right to left (away from the leg spinner’s body).
The second way to bowl a googly is to use your middle finger and thumb to grip the ball. This is known as the palm grip. To bowl a googly using the palm grip, you will need to hold the ball in the palm of your hand and then roll your fingers over the top of the ball.
When you release the ball, you will need to snap your wrist towards the batsman. This will cause the ball to spin from right to left (away from the leg spinner’s body).
When to bowl a googly in cricket
The googly is most effective when the batsman is expecting a leg break. This is because the googly will spin in the opposite direction to a leg break.
If you are bowling to a right-handed batsman, the best time to bowl a googly is when he is expecting a leg break and is likely to play across his front pad.
If you are bowling to a left-handed batsman, the best time to bowl a googly is when he is expecting a leg break and is likely to play across his front pad.
The googly is a type of delivery bowled by a right-arm leg spinner. To bowl a googly, the leg spinner holds the ball in his right hand and spins it from the back of his hand. The googly will spin from right to left (away from the leg spinner’s body) when it is released. The googly is sometimes also referred to as a wrong’un.